January 28, 2013

Chainsaw Wielding Murderers, and My Hitchhiking Experience

Dear Reader,

Before I researched (and went) hitchhiking, I thought that all people were axe-wielding murderers that drove around looking for their next victim. Not so!

It all began when I read this article. Travel like your Grandfather

I was like...."Holy Pumpernickels! I ought to try that!" So I read more articles online, gathering the most important advice on what to bring, where to stick out your thumb, how to fend off an axe-wielding murderer, and what to wear. I also read an excellent travel book by Rolf Potts, entitled "Vagabonding" that dispelled more of my fears and inspired me to go and adventure.

And so, the night before my adventure came, and I began my final preparations. Provisions? Check. Pocketknife? Check. A couple quarters I found under the couch? Check. A language I don’t speak? Czech.

I woke up early in the morning, waited until Mommy and Daddy left for work, and wrote my “This is what I’m doing, where I’m going, and what I’m wearing” note. I left that note on the kitchen counter for Sam to find when he woke up. With a deep breath, I crept outside, and began my trek.

My goal was to reach downtown Montgomery and return home, before 6 pm, without getting chainsawed in half by a weirdo in a white van. Why did I choose Montgomery? It's 28 miles from my house. A reasonable distance, one might say.

I'll skip all the meat of my story, because as crazy as hitchhiking is, it would be obnoxious to write down the details. Basically, by getting rides from 3 different people, I reached my goal.

Sweet, huh? A thought came to my head after I arrived home safely. Maybe people aren't as bad as we think they are...

Sure, there are always weirdos out there, but I met some great people as I hitchhiked. It's really fun to let go of cynicism....

......but please, don't do anything stupid. NM

January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Dear Reader,

"Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve" -Ben Franklin

I like to set new year's resolutions, determining to start the year off right and make it GREAT.
But unfortunately, I tend to forget those resolutions, then another year is gone, and I'm like "Fudge Monkeys!!!......guess it's time for New Year's resolutions again."

So I guess it's time for New Year's resolutions again. But this time I'll make them public. And I'll call them goals, because they just make more sense that way.

Nicholas Merrill's New Year's Goals
  1. Learn French
  2. Develop self-discipline
  3. Become empathetic
  4. Avoid comfort
  5. Actively pursue opportunities for growth
  6. Learn to go through all aspects of life with a positive attitude
  7. Waste no time
I'd appreciate you walking up and kicking me in the face if I don't do these things this year. (Please don't harp on me like crazy though, because that would try my patience, and I'm going to work on that next year. :)

I exhort you to set your own resolutions, steal some of mine, share your resolutions, and live up to them. It'll be fun, and you won't be saying "Fudge Monkeys!!!!" on Dec. 31, 2013....you'll be mentally high-fiving yourself for being awesome. 

Have a happy New Year, y'all...and thank you for reading my crazy ideas and thoughts my blog. :) Love, NM